
Diferencia entre revisiones de «Militares»

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Un '''militar''' es un individuo que forma parte de unas [[Fuerzas Armadas]], ostentando un [[Rango (militar)|puesto jerárquico]], (''rango'' o ''grado'') dentro de ellas. Por lo tanto no es ''militar'' el perteneciente a cualquier grupo armado más o menos organizado, sino el miembro de unas fuerzas armadas dependientes de un estado, sean estas mayoritariamente profesionales o formadas por ciudadanos reclutados (caso de la [[leva]]). Dichas fuerzas "no militares" se conocen como [[paramilitar]]es.
#REDIRECT [[Militar]]
La doctrina que defiende la primacía del ejército en la sociedad recibe el nombre de [[militarismo]].
== Etimología y otros significados ==
'''Militar''' proviene del [[Latín]] ''militarius'', de ''miles'' ([[genitivo]] ''militis'') = "[[soldado]]".
Usado como adjetivo (p.ej en [[Servicio militar]]), ''militar'' es una propiedad descriptiva de cosas relacionadas con los [[ejército]]s y la [[guerra]].
== Historia militar ==
:''Artículo principal: [[Historia Militar]]''
<!-- Rehacer el artículo principal y luego añadir el resumen -->
== Organización militar ==
:''Artículo principal: [[Unidad militar]]''
Armed forces may be organized as ''standing forces'' (e.g. [[regular army]]), which describes a professional army that is engaged in no other profession than preparing for and engaging in warfare.  In contrast, there is the ''citizen army''.  A citizen army (also known as a [[militia]] or [[reserve army]]) is only mobilized as needed.  Its advantage lies in the fact that it is dramatically less expensive (in terms of wealth, manpower, and opportunity cost) for the organizing [[society]] to support.  The disadvantage is that such a "citizen's army" is less well trained and organized.   
A compromise between the two has a small cadre of professional [[NCO]]s (non-commissioned officers) and officers who act as a skeleton for a much larger force.  When war comes, this skeleton is filled out with conscripts or reservists (former full-time soldiers who volunteer for a small stipend to occasionally train with the cadre to keep their military skills intact), who form the wartime unit.  This balances the pros and cons of each basic organization, and allows the formation of huge armies (in terms of millions of combatants), necessary in modern large scale [[war]]fare. 
== Traducción inglesa ==
Aunque ''militar'' es la traducción literal de ''military'', el término inglés también se usa para describir lo que en español se conoce comúnmente como '''[[ejército]]''': el conjunto de personas que forman unas [[fuerzas armadas]]. Si se consulta documentación en inglés, hay que tener presente esta diferencia de significado.
''See Also: [[Military reserve]]''
== Military science ==
:''Main article: [[Military science]]''
[[Military science]] concerns itself with the study and of the diverse technical, psychological, and practical phenomena that encompass the events that make up [[warfare]], especially armed combat. It strives to be an all-encompassing [[scientific]] system that if properly employed, will greatly enhance the practitioner's ability to prevail in an armed conflict with any adversary.
== Military ideology ==
:''Main article: [[Militarism]]
== Other uses of "Military" ==
===Military procurement===
Military procurement refers to common regulations and requirements for a ship or a detached unit to requisistion and draw on a base's facilies (housing, pay, and rations for detached personnel), supplies (most commonly food stocks or materials, and vehicles) by the service running a primary base; e.g. Army units detached to or staging through an [[air base]], a [[vessel]] calling at a port near an army or air base, an army unit drawing supplies from a naval base.
===Military transport===
Military transport would pertain to an equipment trans-shipped via a sister service, or an individual detached for a technical school operated by a sister service, or the travel orders and authorization of such an individual to proceed via a sister services vehicles, as well as the drawing (loan of) transportation assets ([[staff car]]s, [[High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle|Hum-Vees]], [[military truck]]s) operating from the primary base command.
===Military Justice===
[[Military_law|Military Justice]], as in the [[Uniform Code of Military Justice]]. Most nations have a separate [[code of law]] which regulates both certain activities allowed only in war, as well as provides a code of law applicable only to a [[soldier]] in war (or 'in [[uniform]]' during peacetime).
For example, in the [[United States]], the [[statutory law]]s set down by  [[United States Congress|Congress]] to apply to the ''individual conduct'' within any ''military force'' of the [[United States]] are known as the [[Uniform Code of Military Justice]].  The code includes specific articles under which a soldier or sailor would be tried for infractions ranging from minor ([[Late Return]], [[petty theft]]) to severe ([[Rape]], [[Murder]]); this code is usually referred to by the [[acronym]] [[UCMJ]].
===Military strength===
Military strength is a term that describes a [[quantification]] or reference to a nation's standing military forces or the capacity for fulfillment of that military's role. For example, the military strength of a given country could be interpreted as the number of individuals in its [[armed forces]], the destructive potential of its [[arsenal]], or both. For example, while [[People's Liberation Army|China]] and [[Military of India|India]] maintain the largest armed forces in the world, the [[U.S. Military]] is considered to be one of the world's strongest, although the certainty of such a claim cannot be ascertained without a detailed analysis of opposing military forces in relation to one another as well as taking into account the field(s) of [[battle]] and [[military tactics|tactics]] used in such a conflict. [[Israel]] as well has also been described as the best trained and best operating army in the world, although they are small they are said to make up for it with their intense, elite training and their loyalty and dedication. The Israeli Air Force has widely been considered as the greatest in the world.  Israel has, on occasion, even trained American Air Force fighter pilots, as well as staging Israel vs. US aerial 'laser' dog-fights in which Israeli pilots have 'shot down' more than twenty times as many jet fighter planes as the US 'shot down'.
===Military force===
Military [[force]] is a term that might refer to a particular unit, a [[regiment]] or [[gunboat]] deployed in a particular locale, or as an aggregate of such forces (e.g. "In the [[Gulf War]] the [[United States Central Command]] controlled ''military forces'' (units) of each of the five military services of the United States.")....
== Specific militaries ==
'''See : [[List of militaries by country]]'''
=== Military alliances ===
* [[NATO]]
* [[ANZUS]]
* [[Warsaw Pact]] (Now defunct)
==See also==
* [[Comparative military ranks]]
* [[Jane's Information Group]] provides contemporary info on [[Trade]] in Military Equipment.
* [[Martial art]]
* [[Militaria]]
* [[Military rule]]
* [[List of countries by number of active troops]]
* [[List of countries by size of armed forces]]
* [[List of countries without an army]]
* [[List of militaries by country]]
==Enlaces externos==
* [ Global security]
* [ federation of American scientists]
* [ Military]
== Reference ==
Major books for understanding the role of the military, and the civilian leadership of the military.
# [[Why the Allies Won]] ([[World War II|WWII]]) by [[Richard Overy]] ISBN 0-393-03925-0
## Many books about [[World War II|WWII]], and other wars, focus on the military battles and campaigns. This one focuses on support roles that gave the [[Allies]] the edge when the [[Axis Powers|Axis]] seemed to be ahead in so many senses.
## [[Russia]] relocated their industry far from the front.
## There was a structure of [[Scientific Management]] in the U.S.A., unheard of in the [[Axis Powers]].
## [[Axis Powers|Axis]] nations military, particularly in [[Japan]], had an adversarial relationship that was more important to them than the best interests of their nations.
## [[Allied]] interception of coded radio signals, and strict secrecy of what they learned from this.
## [[Allied]] sophisticated deception.
### Misleading [[Germany]] about the [[Normandy]] invasion.
### Commando raids were exceptionally successful, such as in figuring out how [[German Radar]] functioned, so as to get the correct dimensions for [[Chaff]] to [[Forgery|Spoof]] it, but they were trumpeted as failures so as not to tip off [[German Military Intelligence]] about the purpose of the raids.
## In [[Nazi Germany]] no reputable [[Aryan]] wanted to have anything to do with science that had been invented by a Jew. This is one reason why [[Hitler]] never developed the [[Atomic Bomb]].
# [[The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Pentagon]] by [["Jeff Cateau"]] and [[Michael Levin]]. An entertaining explanation of the U.S. military and how it is run.
# '''Get Yamamoto''' by Burke Davis, Published by Random House in 1969. During WW II, the U.S.A. intercepted top secret communications about a tour of forward bases to be conducted by Admiral [[Yamamoto]], commander of the Japanese Navy. This led to a successful mission to intercept his flight and kill him, the theory being that the Japanese would be handicapped without his leadership.
== Véase también ==
* [[Castrense]]
* [[Ejército]]
* [[Escalafón militar]]
* [[Fuerzas armadas]]
* [[Instrucción militar]]
* [[Justicia militar]]
* [[Marcha militar]]
* [[Rango (militar)]]
* [[Servicio militar]]
* [[Unidad militar]]
[[Categoría:Militares| ]]

Revisión actual del 13:05 7 dic 2021

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